Authentic or fake kit, that is the question....

We estimate that since the summer of 2021, about two thirds of the kits offered on galleries or online are fakes. Similarly, more than one in two sold at auction are counterfeits, even thoose sold by the most renowned companies. We will regularly give examples on the blog. The key is of course not to give information that could be used by counterfeiters.
Considering this exponential number of fake kits, it is absolutely necessary, in our opinion, to avoid buying a kit without documents attesting its authenticity. It can be an invoice from the Space Shop, or the original packaging of the kit, or a certificate of authenticity from a gallery that has represented the artist (for example Over The Influence, or Lefeuvre & Roze). The Invader team can also authenticate by email, but it's quite rare, they are totally overbusy. Franck LEFEUVRE, from Galerie Lefeuvre & Roze in Paris, issues certificates of authenticity (Galerie Lefeuvre Roze was Invader's official gallery from 2009 to 2015).
To date, we have never seen a fake in only four galleries!
The first is Over The Influence, based in Los Angeles and Honk Kong. OTI has officially represented Invader since 2016. There is a singularity with OTI, if you wish to buy works by Invader, you will then have to acquire the same amount of emerging artists represented by the gallery.
The second is the Lefeuvre & Roze gallery, based in Paris. They are rather specialized in Alias and unique works, but also regularly sell kits. As said above, they establish certificates of authenticity, and can even authenticate your kits on request.
The third is the Ange Basso gallery, also located in Paris. Ange Basso is also rather specialized in Alias and unique works. They also regularly have invasion guides with unique microceramics, and sometimes kits.
The fourth is also French, it is Class Art Biarritz, located in Biarritz. The gallery mainly offers kits and serigraphs of Invader.